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One on One Tutoring

Improving English is done best with practice. There is no better way to improve your communication ability than to receive one on one personal training and attention from a well experienced native Canadian teacher.


One on one tutoring provides the opportunity to really make gains in both communication confidence and technical ability. Most English camps in the Philippines offer the opportunity for one on one classes.  However, Korean managed schools in the Philippines substitute Filipinos as “native teachers” for the purpose of this training; the results of this are usually ineffective.


Firstly, the Filipino “teachers” used are usually not teachers at all, rather inexperienced people with no teaching experience. These people are themselves non native speakers, and have learned English as a second language, and have a tendency to communicate with a non-native accent. It is for this reason that Filipinos are not granted visas to teach English in Korea.  Their set salary (250 pesos or 7,000 won daily) is also indicative of their motivational levels and worth as teachers. Typically this situation provides a poor example for you to follow.


One great advantage of our program here at English camp, Philippines, Junior Tycoon is that each student will receive one on one tutoring from a native Canadian teacher with years of experience teaching Korean students. This is something that other English programs in Cebu simply do not offer.  Canadian teachers will lead the one on one lesson with you on a daily basis.  Filipino certified teachers will also participate, but in a supporting role.


Our one on one tutoring program follows a specific, highly effective three stage process:


STAGE 1 Diagnostics

A Canadian teacher will conduct a communication exercise with you. Your performance and ability to functionally communicate will be assessed using a checklist and the native teacher’s “performance notes”.  This exercise will function as a diagnostic test and identify areas in need of improvement. This information will be logged in the student’s personalized chart (which you can also access daily online).


STAGE 2 Rehabilitation

After consultation and direction from the Canadian teacher, the certified Filipino teacher will then conduct a second one on one lesson to facilitate improvement in the area noted. This session will focus on repetition, practical usage practice and confidence building.


STAGE 3 Strength Training

 After the rehabilitation session is complete the Canadian native teacher will again perform a secondary communication exercise with the student. This final stage is to ensure that the problems noted in the first report have been sufficiently improved upon.  Improvement notes are also made available on your online personalized chart.


Students will receive one to one tutoring everyday while attending the program. This is an excellent opportunity to make improvements in oral communication and listening skills with a highly experienced Canadian teacher supervising and directing your progress.


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