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Business Team Challenge

This class is designed to provide students with a fun and exciting hands on, real life business experience.


Each team will be given a budget to buy a simple sales product.  Teams are encouraged to be creative in their product choices. All team must strictly follow budgetary constraints.


During the next stage, students will plan the production of their product and all aspects of marketing their product, including distribution and sales plans.  Students will make a presentation of all of these aspects prior to the sales event. This activity will represent the creation of the students’ first business plan.


Business plan presentations will be followed by a competitive sales event that will be held within a designated time limit. Teams will compete against one another to maximize their profits. Sales events will be supervised and held within the local community.


After the sales event students will tabulate their results, compare their pre-event expectations to the post-event results. Students will examine their business plans for flaws and search for ways they could have produced better results.


This “hands on” learning activity is a great experience for young adults and is one of the most popular events in the program.

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