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Business Speaking Tasks

The Business Speaking Tasks program is a core component of the Junior Tycoon program. We have designed 15 units with business themes that focus on improving real time communication skills.


All units are structured the same way.


First, students are introduced to the unit theme (ex: booking an airplane flight) and vocabulary that supports that unit. The vocabulary focus is on phrases commonly asked by service providers and appropriate responses to those phrases.


Students are then placed in groups and assigned roles as service providers or customers. Students are introduced to the major task (for example purchasing the best possible air ticket) and a series of minor connected tasks (selecting a particular seat, ordering a vegetarian meal or paying for extra baggage for example).  Each group is given a "task card" with different minor connected tasks selected.


After practicing with their group, students are then required to work through the major task with fellow group members each taking a different role. This is done in front of the class without notes. If mistakes are made feedback and corrections are given directly by the native speaker teacher.  This is a competitive test between groups.


Students learn from their own mistakes and by watching the performance of other groups as they work their way through the major task using props and spoken English.


Unit Examples:

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